Spiritual Commentary/Blog 2019 to Present

Frightening Times

In your most difficult of times, allowing fear to make your choices, is doing nothing more than waiting to die.

The intention is never to prevent the darkness from demoralizing or angering you. Nor is it to handle it like a master.

It is to respond to it with love; remembering that’s not the same as loving it. In the former, God guides our spirit. While in the latter, ego acts the misguided hero.

Light from the perfect solution always overcomes the fear and darkness. 

Bringing with it peace, love, and greater vitality.

Fear Does, Mercy Does

When we are faced with problems

fear does not reject truth. 

Though it will seek the solution most easily applied.

One that does not disrupt the status quo.

Even though in the long run, 

it may prove to be the most complex and challenging one to employ.

If it works at all.

That which recognizes the whole truth however,

it always seeks the most personally challenging solution 

for us to carry out.

Knowing that when we allow truth and mercy to work together,

there is always light.

Resulting in divinely inspired solutions for our circumstances,

that also benefit the greater.

Pure solutions.

On the Way to God

irony takes you in one direction

while leading your mind in another

showing you the one certain truth

getting you to believe the other

laughing with you along the way

revealing it is both and neither

past all the confines and limits

mystery’s truth is more than either

My God!

My God is:

 a body,

  without form

 a mind, 

without concept


without doing


with no horizon


with no holding


with no moments


without a later


without an understanding.

We Seek Hope

In the beginning of spiritual practice we seek empowerment. And in doing so we develop a much stronger confidence, and if it was lacking before, an optimism. Our ability to master our world improves. We are grateful, and perhaps even feel blessed. Later on the spiritual path, we discover that we have relinquished this optimism. It happens slowly, almost imperceptibly. But sacrificing and transcending ego eventually leads us to rely more and more on God, Spirit, Source. As our union with Divinity expands, and our identification with individuality and independence weaken, optimism is no longer ours to claim. Wisdom has shown that no matter what we wish and plan for, even though influenced by us, is completely the result of the decision made by God, Spirit, Source. Eventually the insight comes, that through faith we best leave the future up to Divinity. That we can only hope. We also learn this requires responding to all resulting circumstances by following the intuitively received direction of God, Spirit, Source. That ego has no say in our lives now. Practicing in this manner, we “feel free” not constricted. The feeling of being “of this world” is replaced with the feeling of being “of God, Spirit, Source”. And brings with it more unconditional peace and love to share.

Spiritual Obedience

Spiritual obedience is misunderstood. It is not following some set of rules, nor is it making an independent decision to act for the best. And neither is it intuition deciding what to do. Rather, it is feeling God’s spirit within, moving you into action.

To act otherwise is most often out of a particular ignorance. When worse, it may be out of shadow influences or temptation. At its most demonic, evil is the cause. 

To obey in this manner is to receive a gift, a blessing for your spirit. Follow where it leads. And never be separated from God. 

Owning the Dark Night

No matter where I am on the mystical path, and no matter the degree of severity of my “dark night of the soul”, it lasts only as long as I allow it.

My beliefs and rituals either bring me back to God in a timely fashion, or I endure a protracted loss of identity and suffer a hell of my own making.

If it is the latter, it is usually because I misunderstand the message I am being given by God. Or, I am resisting the way of truth that is being laid out before me. Only a disciplined return to my authentic practice solves this dilemma.

My mystic path tells me: surrender, adoration, and glory. It says return to sacrificing the self, loving all unconditionally, and praising God. Give up your will, attachments, and pride. Return to the helping hand, faith-based love, and being of God.


Bullets to the Heart

Mystic surrender is giving up on the mundane “wants”, “shoulds”, and “don’ts” in life. Letting them go, not seeking or resisting. No judging, except for being sure you do no harm, and that your actions originate from mystical consciousness. The awakened voice that brings with it definitive truth, mercy, and love. It cannot happen any other way, lest the soul be wounded. When the “wants” presented in your life coincide with your wishes, accept and praise God. When they don’t, bless the circumstances and move on. No celebration or grief, they only serve to strengthen ego. “Don’ts” are often good intentions gone wrong. The result of ignoring or disrespecting what Spirit, from its wisdom, deemed you should do. Acting on your own accord you restrain the spirit, which only serves to deflate the soul and hurt the heart. And if of bad intentions, duality most likely severed your heart from God’s, causing you to do harm. Your “me” having become paramount, a little god seeking its own glory. With forgiveness and compassion re-establish union with God and allow the Divine to guide you in giving up trivial prohibitions. “Shoulds” seduce you into believing you are secure and in control. All that is required is to act as others do, and follow the rules. After all, there is strength in numbers, and the majority must be right. But the mystic’s life, while for the benefit of the tribe, is not a life of the tribe. It is one of remaining close to Spirit, obeying revealed sacred principles, and living the freedom granted you by doing so. A liberation characterized by love and abundance, the result of diligently following and glorifying God.


Mystic Wandering

The mystic pursues union with Spirit through non-ordinary states of consciousness, e.g. peak experiences, unitive awareness, awakened witnessing, supernatural events. In direct opposition to separation, these moments are influenced by nonduality, and are the ones that raise our awareness beyond ego. Eventually our soul awakens, and we become closer to God. With time our habits and character change, and we become a new person, no longer of this world. It is our spirit now that lives here. And it spends its time following the way that is laid out before it by Divinity. Stillness of mind and unconditional love giving rise to “superconscious thought” and spontaneous “action without action” determining our response to the world. Not predicted by, and significantly deviating from ego, this results in each moment feeling fresh and filled with goodness. Living becomes a wandering of sorts, filled with peace, love, and communion. And, with each moment glorifying God.

Mysticism: Soul Emergence

Spiritual purification rejects the ego perspective and moves one closer to God. This transition is aided by adopting an attitude of refusing to remain upset, e.g. feeling down, annoyed, pessimistic. Instead, one commits to always returning home to Spirit through practices involving forgiveness, intercessory prayer, or praising and/or affirming one’s relationship with God. While purifying, these actions also reduce one’s distress. Returning to soul, the mystic benefits from the Divine viewpoint with its peace and love. And is often provided a new and unique course of action for challenges being faced. Concomitantly, the mystic’s soul is strengthened and emerges more fully alive in the world, bringing goodness, compassion, and love to others. But most importantly, the mystic’s life purpose of glorifying God is served.